ruben van luijk: the midnight swim The Midnight Swim, 2015-2016
Olympus OM-1 + Panagor Automacro Converter + Agfachrome CTX100 [exp.]/Durst Laborator 1200 + Fuji CLXposure 100 Nif X-Ray Film + Caffenol/Ikea desklamp + Ilford Multigrade IV Fbr + Caffenol + Fomatone Indigo; unframed, ca. 20x24 cm; € 480 360
This is a contact print from a negative printed from a positive slide taken from a hand-made cigarillo tin collage (Diorama # 53: The Midnight Swim). The collage combines an old snapshot from the former Dutch East Indies with a postcard from the Brandaris lighthouse (‘Terschelling-West bij nacht’, published by v. Leers Fotodrukindustrie NV Nr. L977 and sent 14-8-71).

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